Eco Church

The United Reformed Church and Thames North Synod is committed to caring for God’s Creation and St Albans URC is taking action.

We have registered with Eco-Church and are:

  • Exploring ways in which we can actively reduce our carbon footprint by, for example, using low energy lightbulbs.
  • Caring for our land on both sites to promote biodiversity and protect wildlife, for example, by planting native plants and ensuring grass areas are cut in different lengths and by not using any chemical insecticides or weedkillers.
  • Reducing our impact on the wider environment by using ecofriendly cleaning products and paper goods.
  • Supporting local charities that promote a healthy, sustainable lifestyle for all, for example Sustainable St Albans.
  • Supporting national and international charities that promote climate justice and work for the alleviation of poverty in the world’s poorest areas.
  • Aiming to reduce waste and recycle as much as possible
  • Using fairtrade products when catering.

To find out more visit:
Sustainable St Albans
Wilderhood Watch
Grow Chiswell Green Gardening | Grow Chiswell Green | England

Greenwood Bug Hotel

Greenwood Bug Hotel