Creation Care

The United Reformed Church and Thames North Synod is committed to caring for God’s Creation and St Albans URC is taking action.

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.  Genesis 1-31

  • St Albans United Reformed Church has committed to try and become Carbon Net Zero by 2030.   We know this is a bold target, but it is one that motivates us and demonstrates our discipleship to the fullest.  In reducing our carbon footprint we show our love for God, the creator of our endangered world, and our neighbour, especially those already experiencing the worst of climate change.
  • The recent building project at the Greenwood site, including the installation of solar panels, has produced a highly energy efficient premises that uses 100% renewable energy.  The Homewood Site and the manses will be undergoing an Energy Audit soon to identify steps we can take to reduce the energy used within those premises. 
  • The Green Team have instigated and supported several projects, including the wildlife friendly Contemplation Garden at the Homewood Road Site and the wildflower meadow at the Greenwood site.  The Greenwood build project included the installation of bat, house sparrow and other bird boxes whilst Homewood will join the St Albans Swift Action project in 2025. We are very thankful to the garden companies and voluntary organisations who are supporting this work (details below)
  • We already have the ‘A Rocha’ bronze award and are excited to be working towards a silver award using the recently updated Eco Church Survey that offers new challenges

To find out more visit:
A Rocha – Eco Church  Eco Church – An A Rocha UK Project

Wilderhood Watch  Wilderhood Watch – working together to create an eco-friendly neighbourhood

 Wilder St Albans Wilder St Albans | Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust

Blessed Earth Home | Blessed Earth CIC

Serendipity Gardens

Swift Action Project Swift Action for St Albans’ swifts – St Albans BID

Greenwood Solar Panels

Greenwood Bug Hotel