Trinity Community Project
Trinity Community Project offers day services and activities for adults experiencing mental health issues and/or living with a learning disability. We have regular groups and ad hoc activities throughout the week. We aim to encourage people to participate in a range of social activities, within the service and out in the community, which offer choice and promote people’s skills,
independence and self-confidence while maintaining their dignity and safety. Further information can be found on our
web site – www.trinitycp.org.uk
or by contacting our manager on – manager@trinitycp.org.uk

Commitment for Life
Commitment for Life is the URC’s global justice programme, which is run in partnership with Christian Aid and Global Justice Now. Their goal is to support local congregations make global justice a core foundation of their mission. The programme currently supports projects in Bangladesh, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Zimbabwe. They offer resources to facilitate prayer, advocacy, and effective action for the most vulnerable people in the world.
To find out more visit – https://urc.org.uk/your-church/church-local-and-

Food Bank Support
Our church supports local food banks with regular collections of food and other household goods. There is a collection box in the Church Foyer for members, friends and visitors to make donations which are regularly taken to the Vineyard Care Centre. A special collection is made at Harvest time. To find out more visit:

At its General Assembly in 2021 the United Reformed Church (URC) adopted a series of Resolutions on Israel-Palestine. The Resolutions came forward as a result of a visit to Israel-Palestine made by representatives of all 13 Synods of the URC in 2019. The representative for Thames North Synod was a member of Trinity St Albans URC. Prior to that, the church had over many years followed events in Israel-Palestine through Christian Aid and Commitment for Life, and several members had visited Israel and the Occupied West Bank.
Palestinian Christians issued a “Kairos Call” to the world in 2009, appealing for help in the situation they were facing. A gathering of British Christians on Iona laid the basis for a British response, “Time for Action”, and the formation of Kairos Britain (now Sabeel-Kairos UK). Sabeel-Kairos is a UK Christian charity committed to supporting peace and justice in the Holy Land.
Since 2014 members of the URC in St Albans have actively supported Kairos, hosting many events designed to raise awareness of the situation in Israel-Palestine. These have included talks from Zaytoun Olive farmers and from the embroidery cooperative Women in Hebron, as well as reports from local people who have visited the area. There have also been three very popular Palestinian Cultural Evenings featuring costume, music, food and dance.
Members of the church continue to follow the situation through further reports from Palestinian Christians, including the weekly Sabeel Wave of Prayer which relays news and events from the area to be prayed over. Embrace the Middle East is also a source of news and opportunities to support Palestinians.