Welcome to St Albans United Reformed Church web site. Here you will find lots of information about what we do and when we meet.
Our values are firmly rooted in Jesus’ call to love God first and then love our neighbours as ourselves. Our hope is that all we do flows from this primary principle. Kindness and a friendly welcome are very important to us.
We seek to be authentic in our encounter with the living Lord. The Holy Spirit is our helper and guide and we try to be open to God’s leading; this is a learning process. We hold a wide range of views and hope there is always room for people seeking after truth no matter what their starting point may be.
We are delighted to have been given a Bronze Award in the Eco church scheme this year, we can now start working for the Silver!
St Albans URC is a church that normally meets on two sites – Homewood and Greenwood. Services are held at 10.30am on Sundays at both Homewood and Greenwood – all are welcome.
The Greenwood Church and Hall have been recently been rebuilt and refurbished.
The church was formed at the start of 2023, being an amalgamation of Greenwood, Homewood Road and Trinity URCs.
We look forward to welcoming you.

St Albans United Reformed Church – Homewood
Homewood Road, St. Albans, AL1 4BH
(Junction of Homewood Road and Sandpit Lane)
St Albans United Reformed Church – Greenwood
Watford Road, Chiswell Green, AL2 3HG
Recently reopened following redevelopment.