Church Groups – Homewood

Summer Fun

Sewing Group

The Lunch Club

Cosy Cafe / Warm Space

Between December and April, a warm space is offered in the Back Hall to members, friends, and the wider community on Thursday afternoons between 12.30 and 3pm. Soup and bread, tea and coffee are served to those who would like them. There is no charge, but if you wish, there is an opportunity to make a donation.

Homewood Singers

This singing group meets in the church between 10am and 11.45 most Saturday mornings. We learn a variety of songs, both secular and religious, serious and fun. We sometimes sing during Morning Worship and lead the evening service four times a year including the Carol Service. People of all ages and musical abilities are welcome to come along and join in the fun.

Parents and Toddler Groups

We run a Parent and Toddler Group on a Thursday morning 10.00-11.30.

End-of-term parties and other activities are organised which are always very well received.

Please book on the online booking system by following the link below.

The Lunch Club (formerly The Day Centre)

We are a family orientated group of elderly folk who meet on a Wednesday from 10am- 2pm in the back hall. Activities include scrabble, dominoes, quizzes, various games and discussions depending on the needs and wishes of the group. We celebrate most festivals and national occasions. We also support the Essex and Herts Air Ambulance.  Lunch is provided by one of the local schools.

We are very fortunate that we have always had and still have a group that work well together and look after each other. It is very important that they participate in all decisions we make which is why it works so well.

By invitation only.

Zoom House Group

The Zoom House Group meets on most Wednesday evenings at 7pm for one hour. The discussion is led by a member of the group. Topics discussed could be questions raised in the previous Sunday Service or based on a book or chosen course. Details of the online link can be obtained from

Book Club

Meets from time to time to discuss a Christian, spiritual or thought provoking book recommended to the group. We currently meet approximately 6 times a year on a Tuesday evening in the Vestry or Upper Room.

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club takes place in the hall about four times a year.  We meet on a Monday morning at 9 am for about 90 minutes to share food, and fellowship and listen to an invited speaker.  Members of the group take turns acting as chef.

Ladies wot Lunch

‘Ladies wot Lunch’ is a group that meets on three or four occasions during the year to enjoy convivial conversation and a nice pub lunch.  Dates are fluid, normally mid-week, and will be advertised through the church.  


Country walks of approximately 4 – 5 miles are organised by members of the church on a monthly basis. These take place in a variety of places around Hertfordshire and usually end with a pub lunch. Once a year, a ‘Historic London Walk’ is organised in June.

Sewing group

Meets at 10 am on the first Thursday of the month in the Upper Room.  Over the years this small group has produced many wall hangings for the church, including the Tree of Life and Noah’s Ark, though nowadays the members concentrate on smaller items or bring their own projects to work on.

Flower Guild

Is a group of dedicated ladies who use their skill to arrange fresh flowers for the church weekly.

The flowers are donated by a person or family in memory of a loved one, and arranged by members of the Flower Guild.

They always put on a wonderful display, particularly for the Harvest Festival Service, Easter and Christmas.

Charity Knitters

Homewood Charity Knitters are a small, friendly group of knitters providing knitted and crocheted items for local and international charities, meeting every other Wednesday evening during term time in the Back Hall.

We have provided blankets for St Albans homeless, children’s clothing, scarves and hats for the Vineyard Care Centre, Sailors Society, Syria and many other charities where we know there is a need.

Music Group

We play to accompany hymns during the morning service, usually on the third Sunday of the month. Currently we have piano, guitar, ukulele, harmonica, cello and occasionally a cornet. The singing group leads the singing of the hymns as the music group play. We rehearse at 9.30 am on the mornings that we play in church.